hello sir ,
I'm from one of university at malaysia.I need to do a project "brainwave pattern Recognition".
which i need to classify whether the eegdata is belong to which rhythm.I just need to build a simple programme.
This is my coding so far...could you help me to guide...please sir
EEG=xlsread('eeg.xls'); % read in XLS file, then get...
[L,ch]=size(EEG); % length of recording and number of channels
Fs = 250; % specify sampling frequency
T=1/Fs; % calculate sample period and ...
t = [0:L-1]*T; % time scale for time domain plot
f = Fs/2*linspace(-1,1,L); % frequency axis for FFT plot
for n = 1:ch % for each channel...
figure(n); % create new figure and plot..
subplot(2,1,1); % the top graph is...
plot(t,EEG(:,n)); % time domain signal
xlabel('seconds'); % display units (seconds)
title(['Channel: ',n+48]); % give it some description
FFTch(:,n) = fft(EEG(:,n))/L; % then do the FFT of signal
subplot(2,1,2); % bottom graph is...
plot(f,abs(fftshift(FFTch(:,n)))); % FFT in frequency domain
xlabel('Hz'); % display units (Hz)